Mon, Jan 7, 2008 11:46 AM
Today Kaya had her 4 month doctors appt. She's growing great! Afterwards Mommy took her to the mall and then to Longwood Gardens for a walk because the weather was so unseasonably nice!
Thu, Jan 10, 2008 8:00 PM
Kaya plays a new game with Daddy called "sit up, stand up". Daddy will let Kaya grab each of his index fingers in her hands, and he'll ask her if she wants to play sit-up stand up. Then if she looks interested (because hey, she can't talk yet!) he'll tell her, "Ok, let's sit up", and Kaya will sit up using Daddy's two fingers as leverage. Then he will say "Stand up" and she'll push up onto her feet until she's standing and using his fingers for balance! She seems to love this game, even though it is quite a workout!
Sat, Jan 12, 2008 5:00 PM
Today Kaya made a surprise visit to Reading to see her grandparents and extended family! That Grandma and Aunt M were sure surprised when they were out food shopping and suddenly received a picture message of Kaya and the rest of the extended family hanging out in Grandma's kitchen!
Sun, Jan 13, 2008 9:05 AM
Kaya rolled over this morning! and both Mom and Dad were there to see her do it, and cheer her on.
Sun, Jan 13, 2008 1:00 PM
Kaya was baptized today. She did really well, and spent alot of the ceremony "talking" to and laughing at the deacon. She's becoming a very social little girl! She didn't cry at all during the actual baptism, but did have a pretty confused look on her face! After that she had a big party with 36 family members at her house.
Tue, Jan 15, 2008 11:53 AM
Kaya still does not like Tummy Time, but she tolerates it for a few minutes now! She also has been very good at bathtime lately, although she does try to escape from the infant tub. perhaps she's a manatee after all! New things around the house have started to amuse Kaya over the last few weeks. She still loves to look in the mirror and laugh at the baby there. She also loves looking at a picture of herself that Mommy and Daddy have in their living room. She was 3 mos old in the picture. She is also suddenly very interested in and happy to see Tom (of Tom and Ducky). And she loves looking at the bathroom sink - or more accurately, the faucet. Maybe because she can see her reflection in it? Kaya also absolutely loves to have her diaper changed. Ok, truthfully, she likes to be naked. She always gets very excited and giggles and kicks kicks kicks when she's on the changing table.
Tue, Jan 22, 2008 7:36 PM
Kaya has been giggling for awhile now, but recently when she gets started laughing, she does it for several minutes. Mommy is having a great time getting her to laugh..and her giggles are music to Mommy's ears! Kaya is also getting really good with her hands..she moves her bink from her mouth, out to the side, and then back to her mouth over and over again. She loves moving her toys back and forth between her hands. And, when her hands aren't in her mouth already, she loves to touch everything, different fabrics, furniture, toys,and especially glassware (not necessarily good!). She also loves to sit up and then bend way way over in order to grab her feet or look at the floor closer. She's definitely interested in just about everything!
Sat, Jan 26, 2008 1:00 PM
Daddy had the flu this weekend, so Mommy and Kaya escaped to Grandma and Grandpa Martin's house for the night. Kaya had a wonderful time, and Mommy got some much-needed extra rest too!
Mon, Jan 28, 2008 7:00 PM
Kaya's newest thing to do when she's mad is to blow raspberries and make angry guggling sounds. It's SO funny. And she manages to accomplish this quite nicely even when she has her bink in her mouth too. She also has really started to enjoy textures recently - she loves to reach out and touch all sorts of fabrics, wood furniture, the cats, anything! And she's very interested in watching everything too - from Mommy eating to Grandma blowing her nose!
Wed, Jan 30, 2008 4:00 PM
When Kaya does Tummy Time now (fyi: she still doesn't like it!) she now is able to lift up her butt and sort of scrunch forward a tiny tiny bit. Don't worry, she's not going anywhere yet! Mostly because she still isn't lifting her head at the same time as her butt! It makes for an interesting yoga position however.
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