Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Stomach Flu updates

Kaya seems better and is even eating again today! But Mommy got the stomach flu really bad last night and is pretty much down for the count. Daddy even stayed home from work today to take care of both his girls. And his ps3. While they slept of course!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Stomach Flu

Kaya got her first stomach flu (thanks daycare) in the middle of the night. It was certainly a new experience for her parents too! She's been really lethargic and not eating, so Mom and Dad are watching her very carefully.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Walrus, visitors and a playdate

Today Kaya said "Walrus". Time to take her to the aquarium! She's been saying more and more words and it's really fun. Of course, "no" is still her favorite word..especially when she doesn't feel like eating something!
Kaya had some of her great aunts and uncles and grandparents visit from pittsburg this morning. To greet them properly Kaya dressed up in her Pittsburg steelers cheerleader outfit. We all know who Kaya will be cheering for on Superbowl sunday!
Then Kaya's friend Morgan came over for a playdate in the evening. and Kaya's parents got to finally see their friends too!

Eye teeth

2 more top teeth are on the way in!

14 down, 6 to go!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


New words for Kaya recently include "rabbit" and "Kaya" with the K actually pronounced. She also loves to say NO to Mommy. already!

Diapers, Laundry and Llamas.

In addition to throwing out her trash, Kaya loves to carry her dirty diapers over to the diaper pail and put them in! The only tough part is convincing her to leave them there. :) One day Daddy found about 10 clean dish towels in there too!
She also loves throwing clean wash clothes in the hamper in the bathroom closet. And the other day she tried to pick up the (heavy) vacuum and use it!

On Monday Mommy and Kaya got stuck in a snowstorm coming home from work and decided to stop at Barnes and Noble until the traffic cleared out. Kaya loved running around, playing with the Thomas train set, organizing all the stuffed animals on chairs, and saying hi to random people. She came home with a stuffed unicorn, a picture book with animal faces, and her new favorite book - Llama Llama mad at Mama! She loves the Llama Llama books and will point to them and say "Mama mama mama" over and over again until someone reads them to her. They are pretty funny books too. :) with great pictures!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Kaya now will throw her trash away in the kitchen trash can all by herself! Mommy was pretty surprised when Kaya picked up her string cheese wrapper, ran to the kitchen, opened the cabinet and threw the wrapper into the trash = because she never showed Kaya how to do this! this just shows you how much kids pay attention to what you do!
Kaya also loves to imitate whatever mommy and daddy are doing = she wants to "help" vacuum, she will try to help Daddy or Mommy wipe the floor, etc. We hope this cleaning interest lasts!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

On New years Eve, Daddy changed Kaya's bed into a toddler bed. She really seemed to like being able to climb in and out by herself! And she never liked being in the crib anyway. Grandma C got to test drive Kaya's sleeping in this bed while Mom and Dad were across the street at a NYE party. Kaya took a good 2 hour nap in the bed, but still ran out to see Mommy and Daddy when they got home at 11! After that we all celebrated the new year together.