Thursday, January 22, 2009

Diapers, Laundry and Llamas.

In addition to throwing out her trash, Kaya loves to carry her dirty diapers over to the diaper pail and put them in! The only tough part is convincing her to leave them there. :) One day Daddy found about 10 clean dish towels in there too!
She also loves throwing clean wash clothes in the hamper in the bathroom closet. And the other day she tried to pick up the (heavy) vacuum and use it!

On Monday Mommy and Kaya got stuck in a snowstorm coming home from work and decided to stop at Barnes and Noble until the traffic cleared out. Kaya loved running around, playing with the Thomas train set, organizing all the stuffed animals on chairs, and saying hi to random people. She came home with a stuffed unicorn, a picture book with animal faces, and her new favorite book - Llama Llama mad at Mama! She loves the Llama Llama books and will point to them and say "Mama mama mama" over and over again until someone reads them to her. They are pretty funny books too. :) with great pictures!

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