Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More stuff

Kaya also refuses to eat unless she gets to feed herself with a spoon. even if that means smearing it all over her high chair. She's also tall enough now to unlock the gates on the porch, open up all drawers in the kitchen, and take things off of countertops and other high surfaces. it's been very eventful at home. ha ha.
she also HATES the swiffer wetjet and anything else that makes noise (except for the vacuum, which she looooooves). if she sees something that makes noise, she shakes her finger at it and says quite sternly - "no noise. no noise". This includes but is not limited to: Elmo, the swiffer wetjet, the power drill, a red fire extinguisher that eerily resembles elmo, the vacuum at school, a few puzzles, and the coffee grinder.
Last night while Mommy was singing to Kaya, Kaya tried to put her binky (which she calls bee-bee) in Mommy's mouth. guess Kaya doesn't like Mommy's singing voice!
If Kaya hears good music, she immediately starts to break it down and dances and spins like a crazy person. Kaya is already the best dancer in the house!
Kaya also said "Guiness" yesterday. Isn't guiness a lucky cat!?

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