Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hershey Park Trip

Kaya has had an awesome month!  On Saturday Jun 9, we went to Hershey Park with Momo and Papa.  Kaya got to ride her first roller coaster that went upside down with Papa, and later with Mommy.  She rode the Super Duper Looper and loved it!  Papa bought her an "I survived the super duper looper tshirt" to document the experience.  She also loved riding this spinny ride called the falcon.  Mommy and Papa thought it was scary, Daddy thought it was ok, but Kaya insists this is her favorite ride ever!  Kaya also was able to ride the Trailblazer, the Whip, the Kissing tower with Mommy and Brandon, and so many other rides at Hershey.  And then she got to eat cotton candy at the end of the night.  What a great park!  She also went home to spend the night with Momo and Papa.  What a great day.   Good thing we have season passes this year.
Brandon seemed to enjoy Hershey too, although he was stuck in the stroller most of the day and was very patient!  he did like trying to eat the grass near the trailblazer when Mommy took him there for a little break.  Poor guy didn't get to ride anything but the kissing tower, but next year he'll be ready for more!

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