Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mr. B is really moving now

He's really a speed demon now! we are very proud of him.  He has started to walk across the house basically.  He can stop, start, and turn on a dime, and he can even recover if he starts to trip.  Yesterday he walked while quite intentionally kicking a toy like a soccor ball.  We have our hands full with this one for sure.  We have had to remove all the knobs from the stove since he likes to rip them off, we had to remove the lowest book shelf because he was trying to use the bean bag chair as a bridge to climb up to it.  It was really only a matter of time before he was swinging from it anyway.  The other night I gave him an aluminum bowl to play with, thinking that since it is shiny, silver, and metal that it would appeal to him.  I was right - but he then proceeded to rip the metal handle and latch off the side.
Over this past week we've been pushing the finger foods and table foods a bit. So far he loves cheerios, and has had small bits of pears (liked), avocado (wasn't sure), and shredded cheese (seemed indifferent). he did not like the veggie burger for sure.

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