Monday, July 2, 2012

Mr. B is Walking

Brandon has been taking lots of steps recently - he started taking steps in May and over the past week has been able to take several steps in a row towards Mommy or a cat or something he really wants.  But last night he took tons of steps totally unassisted - even out to the center of the room.   Probably at least 10-15.  And he's cruising alot faster too.  He seems very proud of himself.  I will try to post a video when I can!

Official start of walking : July 1, 2012.  Now if only I could get him to stop eating the fuzz from the carpets!

In addition to walking, I think there might be a top tooth coming in - middle front, the one on the right.  I thought I saw a little white spot.  Might be a false alarm so I will keep you posted.

In related news, he is still sleeping like crap!  I even fed him FOUR solid meals yesterday and mixed formula in with his oatmeal in an attempt to fill his tummy.  He still woke up about 4 times overnight.  I have to conclude that he is either teething, has an ear inection again, or is waking up out of habit.

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